
Monday, March 4, 2013

One Pink Balloon

For anyone wondering about the title of the blog, it stems from the memorial service we had for Kenley on Saturday.   My sister had the brilliant idea to plant and dedicate a tree in her honor at a local park.  My family and close friends snapped into action and sliced through the red tape to make it happen as quickly as possible.

Saturday was, fittingly, the coldest day of the week.  In bright and sunny central Florida, it was a shocking 60 degrees.   An overwhelming amount of friends and family showed up at the park to express their love and support for me, Mike, and our sweet Kenley.  We gathered under the picnic pavilion to say a few words.  My mom wrote a poem.  My sister read a few words.  My dad had a short speech prepared.  My friend Kerri shared a quote.   I'll post what I wrote to say goodbye at another time.

After everyone spoke, we all moved over to her tree.  A Live Oak sapling with a strong and sturdy trunk.   My friend Chrissy had selected a bunch of balloons and tied them all together.  Green and blue ones for my favorite colors, two white ones to represent Mike and myself, and one pink balloon to represent Kenley Evelyn.   All of them bound together in one firm knot.   I set my Ipad to play "Across the Universe", kissed my darling pink balloon goodbye, and Mike and I let the bunch go.   The cold wind picked them up immediately and they were whisked away.  As we watched, somehow, the pink balloon broke away from the others.   It lifted higher and higher.  The big bunch hit a group of trees and faltered a little bit before continuing to rise, but the one pink balloon never slowed.  It was alone and unfettered.  It seemed to me as if my baby was saying "I'm fine on my own, mom.  I'll be okay."   I watched the balloons until they were tiny specks, and then they were gone.   All the while, the One Pink Balloon soared above and beyond the others.   Just like my baby.  My beautiful Kenley.   Too good for this world, she had to float away.


  1. I'm So sorry for your loss.. My mom gave me your website tonight, and she asked me to please get on.. I was pregnant with twins 2010-2011, I was high risk so my Ob sent me to a place for an ultrasound that deals with high risk Pregnancies.. My husband and I were so excited but on that day I feel like my life waschanged... Me and my husband didn't good news... My boys had something called twin to twin transfusion syndrome... I was then sent to a children's hospital and we had some hard choices to make one being abortion which wasn't even an option (said no right away) , we choose surgery to try and save both boys... The day of the surgery both boys hearts were beating good... The next day during the ultrasound one of our boys heartbeat had dropped... I had to go back to the children's hospital a week later for a follow up ultrasound and my baby boy heart beat was gone we lost him... It was so hard bc where I was pregnant with twins and one baby boy didn't make it our other baby boy did so from 24 weeks to 39 I had to carry my baby that passed away in my belly.. I was on bed rest twice once for 3 weeks then again for 5 weeks.. I look at Noah everyday and wish he had his brother here to play with, they will be 2 in June and to this day it's still hard.. If u ever need to talk please let me know I can
    Give my e mail address...

  2. What a beautiful and fitting memorial for Kenley. How wonderful you are helping others through your blog.

  3. Thank you for your blog. My sister-in-law has a friend of a friend who knows you. Our baby girl's have a lot in common. My Norah was born July 28th, two weeks before her due date, with her daddy's lips, my nose, a full head dark hair and we called her Little Ninja (and Norwhal, but that's not in common). We planted a tree at her memorial service too.

    I couldn't find where to privately message you on here (hi everyone!) so a comment will do I suppose. I was hoping my husband and I could find somewhere to connect. I did stumble upon Cherishing the Journey and will look into that. We just moved from Brooksville, FL to Melbourne, FL on the first of September so I'm exceptionally "lost" feeling during all of this.

    Anyways, I feel like you and I are best friends. Best friends with a depressing deep connection. I'm not usually a weirdo telling strangers things like this, but now, who knows, and who cares. I guess what would make more sense to say is, you write exactly what I feel and think. So thanks! It helps. And makes me cry.

